Readings for the Day (Click here and select the date for Holy Saturday/the Easter Vigil, April 11).
St. Catherine's will not celebrate an Easter Vigil liturgy this year.
We encourage you to celebrate the Easter Vigil at home, to pray for the world while remain apart, just a little while longer.
Music for Holy Saturday/the Easter Vigil is included below. |
If you are a crafty person, in the best sense of the word, please share your Holy Saturday ideas (and photos!) on our R.E. & Youth Ministry Facebook page. Also, if your family does something awesome for Holy Saturday, we would LOVE to see photos! We miss you all! |
The Easter Vigil cannot begin until sundown.
From the website of the U.S. bishops.
[This] "mother of all vigils" is the "greatest and most noble of all solemnities and it is to be unique in every single Church"...
On this holy night, the Church keeps watch,
celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments and awaiting his return in glory.
It is the turning point of the Triduum,
the Passover of the new covenant,
which marks Christ's passage from death to life.
Therefore, the Easter Vigil does not correspond to the usual Saturday evening Mass
and its character is unique in the cycle of the liturgical year.
Every year, some people unknowingly attend the Easter Vigil thinking it is like Christmas Even Mass, that they can come the night before as usual. They are surprised--and, a few are unhappy!--when they find out they are in for a three-hour liturgy!
From the website of the U.S. bishops.
[This] "mother of all vigils" is the "greatest and most noble of all solemnities and it is to be unique in every single Church"...
On this holy night, the Church keeps watch,
celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments and awaiting his return in glory.
It is the turning point of the Triduum,
the Passover of the new covenant,
which marks Christ's passage from death to life.
Therefore, the Easter Vigil does not correspond to the usual Saturday evening Mass
and its character is unique in the cycle of the liturgical year.
Every year, some people unknowingly attend the Easter Vigil thinking it is like Christmas Even Mass, that they can come the night before as usual. They are surprised--and, a few are unhappy!--when they find out they are in for a three-hour liturgy!
Opening Prayer
The celebration begins with a service of light often associated with the early church tradition of lighting lamps for evening prayer and rejoicing in the light of Christ. As you prepare an area for tonight’s prayer, you may wish to light a number of candles. If possible, each person might also have their own candle to hold. We gather this night to rejoice in Jesus Christ, the Light of the World, the One whom no darkness can overcome, the One death cannot destroy. Lighting the candles, continue: We give you thanks, O God, for the light this evening that illumines our hearts and home, and for your Son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, a light so filled with glory and power, a light undimmed by sin and death, a light that guides peoples and nations. May we welcome this light of Christ into our lives. Amen. Christ Our Light. Thanks be to God.
Procession of the Candle. The lighted Paschal Candle is then brought into the church. At the doorway to the church, someone sings, "Christ Our Light." All respond, "Thanks be to God." If you would like, process into your house with your candles to symbolize the bringing of the Easter light into our hearts and homes and to the world. |
The Easter Vigil begins outside the church with a fire. This fire is blessed and then used to light the new Paschal Candle that will be carried into the church in procession and use for the year.
Family Fire. This year, it is expected to cool down a bit the days before Easter, so your family might want to light a small fire outside (or inside). If you have a fire log left from winter, you could use that. Some churches use coals and lighter fluid or cotton balls soaked in alcohol. Sitting around a small fire reading the stories from the Easter Vigil would be a nice way to celebrate. Family Paschal Candle. If you have a large candle, you can decorate it in the same way every parish church has its own Paschal Candle. The Paschal Candle usually has a large cross and the year. Then, give grains of incense (cloves work well) are pushed into the points of the cross and center to remember the five wounds of Jesus. Other symbols of baptism, Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, the Paschal Lamb, etc. are used to adorn the cross. After lighting your family's candle (or candles), place them on your home altar or prayer space.
Lord, Have Mercy. The Kyrie or Lord, Have Mercy, is sung at the beginning of Mass. This one is specific to the Easter Vigil and sings of the Easter fire and waters of baptism: It includes a few children singing, so it's kid friendly!
Holy Water. If your family has holy water in your home, put a little in a bowl and have everyone bless themselves with the Sign of the Cross. Place the bowl of holy water on your family's home altar.
Today we sing the Gloria for the first time (other than Holy Thursday) since the beginning of Lent. Here's a great one! If your kids have and like to play percussion instruments, encourage them to play along!
There are seven(!) FIRST readings for the Easter Vigil. Really, that means there are seven Old Testament readings that tell the story of salvation history all the way from Creation in Genesis through the Old Testament prophets.
The stories lead us through the history of God's promises to God's people, reminding us of God's faithfulness. All of the covenant stories are there--Adam and Eve; Abraham and Sarah; Moses and the Red Sea; Noah. If you have a children's Bible or children's Bible story books, feel free to read any of the stories from there. Song Reflection and Meditation. This song is a wonderful way to reflect on and pray with the Creation story!
Adult Reflection Question. In what way do you need to be re-created right now? |
Just a good Alleluia! A great one to sing outside around your Easter fire! We all need to sing a little Alleluia this year. Especially this year! |
Litany of the Saints. After the gospel and before baptizing adults who are entering the Catholic faith, we sing the Litany of the Saints: Discuss any saint names had by members of your family. Who are some of your other favorite saints? Who are the saints upon you most often call for help or inspiration?
Today's Gospel is from Matthew.
Reflection Question. One of the phrases most-often spoken by Jesus is, "Do not be afraid!" During this time, we are more aware of our fears and insecurities. Our human weaknesses are so much more present to us. Ask God to help you give less power to your fears and to help you better live in faith, hope and trust.
Looking Forward to Resurrection. To what do you and your family most look forward after this time of staying home and keeping safe? How can you keep your faith and hope alive during this extended time of waiting for resurrection?
Reflection Question. One of the phrases most-often spoken by Jesus is, "Do not be afraid!" During this time, we are more aware of our fears and insecurities. Our human weaknesses are so much more present to us. Ask God to help you give less power to your fears and to help you better live in faith, hope and trust.
Looking Forward to Resurrection. To what do you and your family most look forward after this time of staying home and keeping safe? How can you keep your faith and hope alive during this extended time of waiting for resurrection?
Closing Prayer
Loving God,
We celebrating your saving work through our ancestors in faith,
the Resurrection of your Son,
and in our own lives today.
Give us the courage to confront the darkness of this world,
knowing that the Risen Christ brings light and life to all.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
All are invited to share a sign of Christ’s peace.
Loving God,
We celebrating your saving work through our ancestors in faith,
the Resurrection of your Son,
and in our own lives today.
Give us the courage to confront the darkness of this world,
knowing that the Risen Christ brings light and life to all.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
All are invited to share a sign of Christ’s peace.