Learn something new - adults
Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. |
It's always a good idea to be reading something worthwhile. Just 10 minutes a day can do wonders for your perspective, not to mention keeping your brain cells healthy, active and engaged. The books below can be digested slowly, just a few pages at a time, and they are well worth the effort.
remember something important - we are each unique
The scientifically based idea of multiple intelligences tells us that we are each unique, and that we come to understand God through different paths based on which intelligence is strongest in us. Your child's spirituality may not be the same as yours. These books help parents to understand more about multiple intelligences, discern what theirs is, and shed light on the best ways to help their children come to know God. To find out more about Multiple Intelligences, click HERE.
kids are learners, too!
Did you know we have a large library of children's books just right for summer reading? Why not take advantage of the slower summer days to encourage your kids to learn a little more about topics like people in the Bible or saints of the church? Families are invited to check out some books at any time. Click on the image below to see our long list of books. Pick some books and just let us know when you are coming! We will get them ready for you.