Scanned Homework
In past years, children in grades 1 - 6 have had the option of submitting online homework. This year, due to all students participating in our family-based virtual program, we simply are unable to keep up with the email traffic that would come from online homework. This applies to questions regarding scanned homework, as well. There are several reasons why we are asking families not to scan and email in homework.
What's Due?
We have gotten a few questions about final due dates for fall homework. We will almost always accept late homework and projects; however, please keep in mind that large amounts of late homework may not be immediately accepted for sacramental years. This means that if several months worth of late homework and family projects are turned in in June - September, we likely will not be able to review them in time for a student to begin a sacrament class that fall. If your child is preparing for First Communion or Confirmation next year, please try to turn in everything as close to the month due as possible. It will allow us to better keep track and welcome your child into their sacramental class. ![]() Catholic Year B The Sunday readings for Mass run in three cycles: A, B and C. This year, 2021, we are in a year B. This means that the Sunday gospel readings will be drawn from the Gospel of Mark and the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John. As of last week, the week following the Sunday celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, we have returned to the liturgical season of Ordinary Time. The Gospel of Mark is believed to have been written before the other canonical gospels (Matthew, Luke and John) around the year 65 C.E., and Mark is often depicted holding a Bible and with a Lion. It is also the shortest of the four gospels. Please make sure you understand the requirements for your child's class. Most classes require some combination of at-home workbooks and family or age-appropriate teen projects. Past months' projects can be found under the Faith Formation 2020 - 21 tab. We have had a few parents email and ask if they have turned in everything. Below you will find links to the homework tracking documents we use in the office. They are blank; however, you are welcome to print them out and check off for your family what you have turned in. It will help you keep track of what has been completed. ![]()
![]() Christmas in Siena 2020: A Video Christmas Card Since we cannot have a Christmas Party this year, we invite you to join Fr. Pat on a video travelogue around the parish, including visits with our priests and staff, Christmas greetings from many of your fellow parishioners, special guests and more! Visit the parish livestream page on Friday at 7 p.m. or watch on demand on the parish YouTube, Vimeo and social media. ![]() Pax Christi Advent Resource Every year, Pax Christi USA publishes an Advent resource for prayer and reflection. It can be purchased for $2 and downloaded here. It's a great resource to download to your phone and have for a busy day. The Sunday reflections in this year's booklet are written by the granddaughter of Dorothy Day. ![]() NEW in Our Simple Faith Podcast Series An important part of our Family Faith and Generations of Faith programs is the adult faith formation component. Since we are not gathering in person this year, we are initiating a podcast series we're calling Simply Faith. Click here for our Podcasts! Episode 5: Catholic New Year's Eve--Ready or Not Episode 6: Advent & Obsessed with the to-Do List ![]() NEW in Our Simple Faith Podcast Series An important part of our Family Faith and Generations of Faith programs is the adult faith formation component. Since we are not gathering in person this year, we are initiating a podcast series we're calling Simply Faith. Click here for our Podcasts! Episode 2: A Brief Introduction to St. Hildegard Episode 3: The Greatest Show--High School Marching Band, Salvation History and the Liturgical Year ![]() What's Due? Happy November! Hopefully, everyone has been able to complete and turn in any September homework or projects and gotten a start on October. Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help. Please try Formed! Our parish has paid for subscriptions for all families in our Faith Formation program. If you need help logging in, please let us know. Here's the short version.
![]() Advent is Coming! Maranatha is a word we sing and hear during the time of Advent, and it means "Come, Lord Jesus!" Now is the time to prepare for the preparation of Christmas! What does this mean? It's time to buy Advent candles! Stores tend to run out as we get closer to the First Sunday of Advent (November 29 this year). If your family does not have an Advent wreath, you can make an easy one with some candles and a wreath. Or, you can order one online. Religious goods are available from a variety of vendors. One we use often in Autom. ![]() St. Catherine's Preschool St. Catherine’s Preschool is providing At Home Preschool Lessons for families with children ages 2-5. The weekly themes have fun and interactive child-centered activities. They are set up in a way that you are able to choose from a variety of activities for your child. All plans will include prayers, songs, stories, activities, bible lessons, crafts, finger plays, songs, and recipes. We will include links with all of the books read by the teachers and a few of the activities for a personal connection. The At Home Preschool lesson plans are $75/month and have an abundance of learning opportunities. You can find more information on our website. ![]() Simple Faith Podcast Series An important part of our Family Faith and Generations of Faith programs is the adult faith formation component. Since we are not gathering in person this year, we are initiating a podcast series we're calling Simply Faith. Click here for the first episode. ![]() What's Due in October It's the middle of October, and we want to make sure everyone is caught up with what they should have turned in by now. By now, just about every family or middle/high school student should have completed and turned in their September projects--either two family projects for elementary students or one age-appropriate project for students in grades 7 - 12. (Students in the Confirmation Class this year are not required to complete the monthly projects.) If you have not yet done so, September projects can still be found on our website. Click on "Menu" in the upper left corner and then "Faith Formation 2020 - 21". At the bottom of the drop-down list you will see the options for September projects. Please be aware that projects for students in grades 7 - 12 MUST be age-appropriate. For example, simple coloring sheets are not acceptable for those students. Parents of elementary school students need to be aware that monthly family projects and chapter reviews/First Reconciliation/First Communion homework must be completed for the year to count toward First Communion preparation. If one of these components is not done, the year will not count toward Confirmation preparation. Parents of middle and high school students need to be aware that to complete the year, students must attend Zoom classes, complete monthly projects and complete and turn in all homework. If one of those three components is not done, the year will not count toward Confirmation preparation. If you have not yet picked up your family's books and materials, you have until October 31, 2020, to do so. After that date, we will assume you have decided not to participate this year. Please contact Cynthia to schedule a time to pick up your books and materials. ([email protected]) ALL homework and projects for September - December MUST be completed and turned in by December 31, 2020. Due to the number of children, youth and families in our program, we will not be able to accept homework and projects turned in after that date. ![]() Catechetical Sunday I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you. Sunday, September 20, we recognized Catechetical Sunday along with the US Bishops and other Catholic Churches throughout the country. In 2020, the theme for Catechetical Sunday and the Faith Formation (Religious Education) year is “I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you.” On this day, catechists are formally commissioned for ministry to the community. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each baptized person plays in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. Here at St. Catherine's, we take it seriously that parents are the primary catechists of their children. During this time of pandemic, this role means more than ever! Our goal this year is to provide parents with resources to simply, yet profoundly, share their faith with their children, to "hand on to them" what they have "received from the Lord." We also hope to continue to provide parents with small moments of adult faith formation for them in the hopes it will give them more to "hand on" to their children. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time with questions or suggestions you may have! ![]() St. Catherine’s YouTube Channel St. Catherine's has a YouTube Channel! The videos of our monthly liturgical meals will be hosted here. Each of the videos also have a direct link that will launch them. Introduction: St. Hildegard: Archangels: You can also subscribe to our channel! ![]() How Do We Get Started/Finish September? If you're still wondering how to get started, we recommend you just jump right in! One place to start is our Family Faith website where you can see what is due in September: Also, keep in mind the liturgical meals do not have to be prepared on the exact feast day. Save them up for a weekend! For example, today is the Feast of the Archangels, but it might be easier for your family to watch the video and prepare the meal another day. If you've completed your family/youth projects and workbook pages, please turn them in one month at a time in the drop box outside the nursery doors of the Parish Center. Please do not scan and email pages. With the number of families in our program this year, we will not be able to handle that volume of documents via email. If you're getting started a little late, no problem! September's web pages will be moved to make room for October's; however, they will still be on our Family Faith website. ![]() The Red Folders When you picked up your family's Faith Formation materials, you likely received a red folder in the bag. These are our "General Information" folders, and in them you will find the following items. 1. Contact Information Page 2. Web Page Information Sheet 3. Grades 1 - 6 Homework Calendar (A majority of our family's have at least one elementary school age child.) If your daughter or son is in First Communion (the second year class), you should have received a blue backpack which included a children's Bible and folders for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist preparation along with a homework calendar. If your daughter or son is in middle/high school, you should have received a folder for them with their appropriate homework calendar and other information. Students in grades 7, 8 and 9th grade Pre-Confirmation II will have worksheets and a blue Catholic Connections books. Students in 9th grade Pre-Confirmation I - 12th grade Pre-Confirmation II will have a red YouCat Study Guide, a yellow YouCat book and blank handouts to use as answer pages. If your daughter or son is in the Confirmation Class, you should have received a folder with Confirmed in the Spirit on the front. All homework calendars should be available on our website: Click on Menu in the upper left corner and hover over the headings to find your child's program. ![]() From The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris "At morning prayer, the psalms seem suited to the archangels. Psalm 29, for Michael, the power of God: 'The Lord's voice resounding on the waters, the God of Glory thunders; the Lord on the immensity of waters...' And for Gabriel, Psalm 25, a quiet prayer of hope and trust. For Raphael, a psalm that I love, 147: 'The Lord builds up Jerusalem, and brings back Israel's exiles. And heals the broken-hearted; and binds up all their wounds. Michael--who is as God; Gabriel--God's messenger; Raphael--God's healing. They say what angels always say, 'Do not fear.'" Ignite Middle School & Ablaze High School Ministry Updates
Please visit the Ignite or Ablaze web pages for updated information on monthly projects. Middle and high school students are asked to complete one family project from the month's web page OR one project that is appropriate for their age. Attendance Requirement. No more than four online/Zoom classes may be missed. Advance notice does not mean an absence is "excused". There will not be make-up classes. Contact Livia Telles-Rodriguez, our Coordinator of Youth Ministry, for more information ([email protected]). Confirmation Class Change in Start Date
This year, the Confirmation Class will begin in October. The most up-to-date calendar is on our website. Attendance Requirement. There are two required online/Zoom meetings a month for the Confirmation Class. Most students in our program participate in elite-level sports, dance, music and other extra-curricular activities as well as take advanced coursework. The Confirmation Class will be held from October - March. Two missed online/Zoom classes are allowed. There will not be make-up classes. Contact Livia Telles-Rodriguez, our Coordinator of Youth Ministry, for more information ([email protected]). ![]() Formed St. Catherine's has purchased subscriptions to Formed for all participants in our Faith Formation program. Please login and download the app to access some of this month's Family Project options as well as many other great resources! Make sure to type "Austin" after you enter "St. Catherine of Siena". Otherwise, we won't show up. What do we turn in? (In list form!)
Grades 1 - 6 (Including First Communion) Complete and turn in monthly homework in the workbook. This is the Chapter Review at the end of each chapter. Complete and turn in two Family Projects from the monthly web page. Grades 7 - 12 (Not Including Confirmation) Complete and turn in monthly homework. For grades 7, 8th PC I & II and 9th Grade PC II, these are the handouts that go with the Catholic Connections book. For grade 9 PC I - Grade 12 PC II, these are the questions from the YouCat Study Guide. Attend both online/Zoom classes. Complete and turn in one Family Project. (This is a change from earlier information that said two (2).) A project either has to be appropriate for the student's age OR a Family Project. For example, if there are two children in the family, at least one Family Project must be appropriate for a middle or high school student--not a project for an elementary school student. Confirmation Class The Confirmation Class has it's own requirements. Please click here and scroll to the bottom of the page for documents. |
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